Hmong American Leadership Council

What We Do

We engage in various activities and initiatives to advance the interests and representation of the Hmong community in the political sphere. Our work includes:
Advocacy: We advocate for policies and legislation that address the needs and concerns of the Hmong community, ranging from issues such as education, healthcare, immigration, and economic opportunity to cultural preservation and recognition.

Voter Education and Mobilization: We conduct voter education campaigns to inform community members about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of civic participation. We strive to increase voter turnout and political engagement within the Hmong community through voter registration drives, outreach efforts, and educational events.
Leadership Development: We provide opportunities for leadership development and skill-building to empower individuals within the Hmong community to take on leadership roles in politics and community organizing. We cultivate the next generation of Hmong leaders through training programs, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

Community Building: We facilitate community-building events and initiatives to foster solidarity, unity, and collaboration within the Hmong community. From town hall meetings and forums to cultural celebrations and networking gatherings, we create spaces for community members to connect, share ideas, and work together toward common goals.
Coalition Building: We collaborate with other community organizations, advocacy groups, and stakeholders to build coalitions and alliances around shared goals and priorities. By amplifying our collective voice and leveraging our resources and expertise, we maximize our impact and effectiveness in advocating for positive change.
Policy Research and Analysis: We conduct research and analysis on policy issues affecting the Hmong community, providing data-driven insights and recommendations to policymakers, stakeholders, and the broader public. We seek to influence policy outcomes that benefit the Hmong community by informing policy debates and decision-making processes.
Civic Engagement: We promote civic engagement beyond electoral politics, encouraging community members to participate in advocacy, community service projects, and grassroots organizing initiatives. By fostering a civic responsibility and activism culture, we empower individuals to contribute meaningfully to their communities and society.
Through these activities and initiatives, we are dedicated to building political power, advancing social justice, and creating a more equitable and inclusive society for all members of the Hmong community.”