Hmong American Leadership Council

President message

Dear Hmong Community and Political Leaders,
I write to you today with a profound sense of duty and optimism as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for our Hmong community. As the President of the Hmong American Leadership Council, I am inspired by the resilience and potential of our people, and I am committed to working hand in hand with each of you to create a brighter future for all.

Our community is at a pivotal moment, facing internal and external pressures requiring us to stand united and resolute in our shared goals. From socioeconomic disparities to political representation, we face issues that demand our collective attention and action. In this spirit, I reach out to you, esteemed leaders, with a call for collaboration, cooperation, and concerted effort.
As leaders in both the community and political spheres, you possess invaluable insights, experiences, and networks that can drive meaningful change and progress. Together, we can advocate for policies that uplift our community, amplify the voices of the marginalized, and foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment.
At the Hmong American Leadership Council, we are dedicated to serving the needs of our community, promoting education and political campaigns, preserving our cultural heritage, and advancing social justice. However, we recognize that our impact is magnified when we partner with political leaders who share our vision and values.
I invite you to join us in dialogue and collaboration to share your perspectives, aspirations, and priorities for our community’s future. Together, we can identify common ground, strategize effective solutions, and advocate for policies that reflect the needs and aspirations of our people.
As we embark on this journey together, let us uphold the values of integrity, compassion, and solidarity that have guided our community through generations of adversity. Let us bridge the divides that separate us and build bridges of understanding, trust, and cooperation.
In closing, I sincerely thank each of you for your dedication, leadership, and service to our Hmong community. We can overcome obstacles and achieve our shared vision of a thriving, resilient, and empowered community.
With profound respect and solidarity,
Nou Mai Xiong
Hmong American Leadership Council, Inc.